
The Coats for Kids program as presented by our Supreme Council is to help kids stay warm in the winter. A warm coat means a child can more realistically attend school, go to after-school programs, play, and do all the things that kids do to be kids. Our mission is to make this seemingly small part of life a little bit easier.

We will be continuing this project again
Tuesday, November 14, 2023.

We are asking for donations for this event.  If you would like to donate or have questions, please contact PGK Scott Crossen 317-691-5369, please note that the donation is for this even


Officers of the Knights of Columbus Council 3660, and two ladies standing in front of a table of coats during the 2023 Coats for Kids event at Central Catholic School.        

Monday, November 13th, 2023

Good Shepherd Catholic Church


Presided over by Fr. Jeffery Moore

Brother knights who passed this year

Alphabetical by Last name

Darrell L. Arthur
Anthony T. Bohman
Joseph C. Bova
Thomas L. Calvano
Daniel J. Casey
Donald G. Courteau
James D. Croker
John Charles Dugan Sr
Francis J. Evans
Joseph L. Gagnon      
Lewis H. Galati
Edward F. Gallagher
Robert J. Harmening
Dennis P. Harrington                    
Rev. FR. Benard Head
Charles E. Keatts
Michael P. Keyler
Anthony R. Laker
Richard L. Marien
John J. Maxwell         
Joseph A. Mervar
Brian R. Morris
William E. Pickard
Edmond L. Russell
Honorable Judge Richard Sallee
John Schaefer
PGK Robert M. Schaefer
Lawrence Spicuzza
William L. Taylor
Arthur J. Timpe
James E. Weimer

Monday, October 23, 2023

Gallagher’s Pub & Eatery

3149 E Thompson Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46227


Pizza and first two drinks on the council. Come socialize


Council 3660 will be hosting another food drive in April to help support Hunger Inc and Officer David Moore Food Pantry.

Saturday, October 28th, 2023

at our new Building, 4071 S. Keystone Avenue

from 11am-1:30pm

Items to donate:

  • Cereal
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • Soup
  • Canned Pasta
  • Canned Fruit
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Tuna Helper
  • etc

October 2023 Food Drive Flyer

Pictures from State Championship

volunteer knights and participants listening to the rules before the competition begins Participants and supporters preparing for the event Knight Ryan Grill who lead the soccer challenge championship explaining the rules as participants and supporting families look onPicture of all the participating kids and the state council knights who ran the event.Marissa Humbert (not smiling) from council 3660 holding her runner up award

This Year we are participating in the K of C Soccer challenge.

Boys and girls aged 9-14 can come kick penalty shots in a competition to be their age group champion and move on to the district level competition.

The challenge will be held at:

Central Catholic school football field
Sunday, October 1st, 2023

Registration is required, the form is provided below and should be brought with on the day of the event.

Any questions, please contact Joe Humbert, Grand Knight at

Entry Form

JPG file format

Flyer Images

JPG Format


1pm –3pm

Burgers, hotdogs, and drinks will be provided.

Please RSVP to Scott Crossen (317) 691-5369 or Joe Humbert (317) 883-9676 as we need numbers for food.

If attending, please bring a side dish  and a lawn chair


4071 South Keystone Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46227

$20 ($15 kids 12 and under)

Gets You:

  • Reserved Seat for the Game
  • Dinner
  • Beer/Soft Drinks at McGowan Hall (home of Mater Dei Council)
  • Parking at McGowan Hall
  • Bus Transport from McGowan Hall to Victory Field!

It Gets Better! Don’t want to drive in town? Your price includes FREE bus to McGowan Hall from Our Lady of the Greenwood or St. Mark’s

Game Time is 7 PM.

Dinner at McGowan Hall at 5:30 PM

Bus leaves Our Lady of the Greenwood (335 S. Meridian St. Greenwood) at 4:30 PM

St. Mark the Evangelist (535 E. Edgewood Ave.) at 4:45 PM

McGowan Hall (1305 N. Delaware) at 6:30 PM

Contact Scott Crossen FS on how many tickets you wish by May 30, 2023. Make your check payable to Msgr. Downey Council 3660 or call (317 691-5369) for tickets soon!


Council 3660 will be hosting another food drive in April to help support Hunger Inc and Officer David Moore Food Pantry.

Saturday, April 29th, 2023

at our new Building, 4071 S. Keystone Avenue

from 11am-1:30pm

Items to donate:

  • Cereal
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • Soup
  • Canned Pasta
  • Canned Fruit
  • Hamburger
  • Tuna Helper
  • etc

April 2023 Food Drive